Sowing and Planting
As you sow, so shall you reap. When modern technologies are involved, sowing reaches extreme accuracy and efficiency.
Sowing in precision agriculture utilizes GPS technology for controlling the movement of tractors and for operating sowing machines. By utilizing the full width of the machine and the ability for sectional control, over-sowing and undesirable thickening of crops are avoided. This, in turn, prevents increased pressure from diseases and pests in these areas. With variably controlled seeding rates, you can achieve the planned number of individuals per hectare. Seed savings and uniform ripening are additional pleasant benefits.
Interested in learning more about how precision agriculture is changing the world of farming? Check out our products for precise sowing.

Automatic Control Options
The next step towards more modern agriculture. More precise sowing and planting, fertilization, and harvesting. Available even for equipment that was not originally designed with this capability in mind.

RTK Correction
RTK enhances the accuracy of position targeting, thereby increasing the precision of the work performed. It’s simple – the higher the accuracy, the higher the efficiency.

Automatic Section Control
Almost no field is perfectly rectangular. Automatic section control ensures that there is no overlap in application.

Boundary Control
The system automatically generates a travel line based on the working width of the attached implement and the field boundary.

Variable Application/Sowing
Automatic adjustment of dosage according to prescribed zones. Utilization of prescription maps from sampling results or from satellite imagery outcomes.
Operační systém Horizon OS
Nastavujte automatické trasy, kontrolujte, kolik postřiku aplikujete, sledujte svůj postup – to vše snadno a rychle, stačí jen pár dotyků prstů.
Horizon OS je kompatibilní s celou řadou senzorů Topcon a technologií řízení aplikací. Splní i ty nejnáročnější požadavky.